‘Sea Inspired’ and ‘Long Island Sound’

Remember The Trends for the Summer of 2013? Today, as I have promised, I would like to take a further look into the two styles that are almost always in fashion in the summertime: the ‘Sea Inspired’ and its ‘Long Island’ variation. [more]

The Trends for The Summer of 2013

purist_style_01 Summer is already in her full blossom, and today I would like to share with you some of my inspirations based on what is in fashion in apartment decoration and interior design these hot sunny days.

I will start with a brief introduction; and in my next posts, I will take a more in-depth look into each of the presented styles. [more]

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Convert it: Space and Layout

lerivage_roofdeck_photo Space and Layout, plus a little bit of creativity, and the right perspective. The idea here is to show you how, by picking the right layout and being creative in the process of furnishing the space, you can save yourself quite a bit of money, otherwise needed for the apartment with a “proper name tag” (2 bedroom 2 bathroom in this case).

So, what we have here is a 1BR with an alcove, and with 2 full bathrooms (one with a tub and one with a shower stall), and our plan is to “convert” the alcove into your second “bedroom space” (not into a bedroom per say, since by missing a window we cannot call it as such, but into a night zone space that would serve the same purpose).

And all we really need is a nicely designed screen (more about it soon), to make this little project happen. Easy. Take a look, and let us know what you think: [more]


Have you ever seen an ad stating in its headline: “Spacious Convertible 2 Bedroom”, and a very attractively priced one I should add, sometimes fitting into “too-good-to-be-true” category? And when you went to see it, it was just an alcove studio, like the one in Le Rivage from my previous post. “Well, it is a studio right now, but you can easily convert it into a two bedroom, by installing a few pressurized walls” you’ve heard from the agent showing it to you. “It could really work, and if converted, it would be a great deal!” – he added.

Well, let’s look at it. [more]